
-Half or full amount paid upfront through paypal. Less then 20 USD must be upfront-All Commissions are in USD-Extra characters cause extra-When used, credit must go to this carrd-Using AI with my art is strictly forbidden.-I can do heavy gore and nsfw. Please dm me for examples since I don't post them on Tumblr. NSFW is 20 USD on top of base price due to potential complexity.-I can do character design from scratch for an extra 20 USD. (From a vague idea)-I may take on Commissions for cheaper if I approach a public request and I may have deals going on
This is on a by case basis


Painted - $40
Lineless - $30
Lined - $35

Half Body

Painted - $75
Lineless - $55
Lined - $65

Full Body

Painted - $90
Lineless - $60
Lined - $75


.Headshot - $15
Halfbody - $20
Fullbody - $25
+50% for rough colour
+25% for gradient map colour

Special Styles

Headshot - $30
Halfbody - $50
Fullbody - $70

3D model and textures

All models can be posed and are low to mid poly
Head model - 50-75 USD
Full model - 100-200 USD
Material texture - 15 USD
Hand done texture - 50-80 USD
Secondlife textures are priced based on different factors

Pixel art

Still: $20
Bounce: $25
100 x 100
Still: $30
Bounce: $40
For more complex pixels, please ask


Shapes: FreeSketch + $10Geometric +$10Simple: +$15Med: +$35Complex +$70